My intuitive abilities manifested at the age of 5. Initially I turned my back upon the path calling me. I chased after the American dream of opulence. I awoke one day and realized that I did not know who I was. My life was devoid of true meaning and happiness. I no longer desired to chase after the transitory things of life: that life of accumulation. I chose to instead cultivate that which was of real importance: personal and spiritual growth. Embracing my authentic nature, I honed those skills which could be utilized in the service to others.

Shamanic Ways

Karen has deep reverence for shamanism, which is considered the mother of all religions and healing modalities. Shamanic sessions are personally tailored to address the unique needs of each individual. These sessions utilize the traditional techniques of:

  • Extraction Healing – A technique that removes intrusive negative energies from the person.
  • Soul Retrievel – Traumatic life experiences leave a person feeling powerless. Through soul retrieval, soulparts are integrated back into the person, thus restoring a sense of wholeness.
  • Divination (Psychic Reading) – Karen specializes in Celtic Wisdom Tarot, Celtic Castings, Shamanic Castings, psychometry, animal communication, mediumship and channeling.
  • Psychopomp – Working specifically with the dying process in preparation for following their soul’s path in the afterlife; this work also includes house clearing (removing stuck spirits).
  • Shamanic Journeywork – Entering into an altered state of consciousness to obtain information from spirit revelation.
  • Rites of Passage – As an Elder Intergenerational Shamanic Practitioner and Retired Shamanic Minister, Karen does fire rituals, grief/mourning rites, home blessing rites, life transition rites and naming ceremonies.
  • Drum and Rattle Making
Emei Work

Karen works with the Chinese 4 Pillars and the 5 Elements to craft your Birth Chart: determining your Body Element, Balancing Element and Supporting Element , thus facilitating your healing journey.


Karen provides Reiki sessions in her office. Reiki utilizes light hands placement techniques. Reiki is a Japanese form of stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. Medical research has suggested that Reiki is effective for people suffering from stress, chronic headaches, migraines, pain, insomnia and fatigue. It should be used as part of your overall wellness program

Reiki Classes

Karen will teach individual or group classes for Reiki I,(Shoden), Reiki II (Okuden Part 1), Reiki III (Okuden Part II) and Reiki IV (Shinpiden).Karen also teaches Karuna Reiki Classes.Certification is awarded upon completion of each class.


Hypnosis is a process that produces relaxation, removes distractions from the conscious mind, and produces heightened suggestibility and increased awareness. Karen can aid you in addressing issues such as weight loss, smoking cessation , past life regressions and more