

Learn the basics to perform interspecies communication at an intuitive level. This skill helps the individual to address behavioral and emotional issues, rescue pet issues, end of life issues , connecting to the animal after death and more. Once the individual understands the emotional and perceptual lens of the pet , that person will better be able to address issues that arise.This class is recommended not only to the private pet owner but also to professionals in the fields of animal rehab, animal rescue, vet techs and animal trainers.

Please call to schedule a date and time of mutual convenience. This is a 3 hour class.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available

$200 Please call to schedule a date and time of mutual convenience.

The Well SanctuaryLLC

Contact The Well SanctuaryLLC to schedule at 860-584-2480 (landline ) or 860-302-5494 (cell).


This class is an introduction to harnessing the power of your chakras. Learn practical ways to identify, open, balance and heal these energy centers. Topics to include: crystals, vocalizations, musical tones, colors and more. The instructor will be bring in various crystals and 7 Tibetan singing bowls. This class is a day long class beginning at 9am and ending at 4:00PM. This is a private class. Call to schedule a date the is mutaully convenient for us both.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available


The Well Sanctuary LLC
50 Gayle Drive Bristol,CT 06010


To register call: 860-584-2480


What exactly is intuition? Would you like to increase your intuitive abilities? This class will aid you in cultivating your own innate intuitive gifts. You will also learn how to take your random intuitive hunches and control these experiences so that they happen when you want them to. You will learn how to protect yourself from negative energies. Students will learn the differences in a medium versus a channel plus how to select a good psychic. This class is informational, experiential and fun. Come with an open heart and mind. This is a private 3 hour class.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available


The Well Sanctuary LLC

Call to schedule a date/time of mutual convenience at 860-584-2480.


Do you love crystals and minerals? Do you want to work with them metaphysically? Students will learn how to use crystals and minerals to promote healing, protect from negative energies and increase psychic abilities. Working with a pendulum will be demonstrated as well as stone Divination. A wide array of crystals and minerals will be brought in for display. This is a 3 hour private class.

This is a private 3 hour class. Please text 860-302-5494 or leave a message on the office landline 860-584-2480 to schedule a time of mutual convenience. Cost is $200.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available


The Well SanctuaryLLC

Text 860-302-5494 or call the office landline line at 860-584-2480.


Ever wonder if your home is haunted? Come and learn the signs of hauntings, how to photograph paranormal events and how to measure electromagnetic fields. Learn to psychometrically cleanse space of stuck psychometric energies. The facilitator is a professional psycho pomp and routinely does house clearings.Learn how to “protect” yourself from negative energies. Learn about psychometrically stuck energies, ghosts and possesion of a home. Real case studies will be discussed.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available

$200 for a private 3 hour class

The Well Sanctuary LLC
50 Gayle Drive, Bristol, CT 06010

Call to schedule a date and time: 860-584-2480


This course will give you the tools to create positive change in your life and help you manifest the destiny that you desire and deserve. Ask yourself: do I feel stressed? Stuck? Surrounded by negativity? Come and learn to create positive change. Students will learn what stresses and how stress can prevent us from making positive change. Students will learn techniques to cleanse the negative energy of a room, remove negativity from their own energy field, manifest change from within, reframe thought processes and also have fun in the process. Students will work experientially with drums, crystals, affirmations and will make a take-home a positivity box. Positivity Box.

This is a private 3 hour class. Please call The Well SanctuaryLLC to schedule a time of mutual convenience.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available
The Well SanctuaryLLC
To register call The Well SanctuaryLLC at 860-584-2480(land line) or 860-302-5494 (cell phone) to schedule a date and time of mutual convenience.


Want to live longer? Have lower blood pressure? A slower heart rate? Become more spiritual? Come and discern the meditative technique that works best for you.You will learn the basics of meditation: pranayama, pratyahara, japa , mudras mandalas and more.

This is a private 3 hour class. Please text or call to schedule date and time.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available
The Well Sanctuary LLC
To schedule date/time ,contact The Well Sanctuary LLC by texting 860-302-5494 or calling the office landline at 860-584-2480.


Ever wonder if you were getting messages from deceased loved ones, deceased pets or from your spirit guides/angels? This workshop helps you to learn how to spot and interpret messages that come to you from the realm of spirit. They may come in the form of signs, omens and synchronicities and also dreams. Students are encouraged to bring a journal to class and a pendulum if they have one. Prior to class, the student is encouraged to date and record in their journal any dreams that have images of the dead in them. Also date and record any odd experiences in every day life. The instructor will aid you in deciphering these cryptic messages.

This is a private class one-on-one scheduled at a time of mutual convenience.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available
The Well SanctuaryLLC
To select a time /date of mutual convenience: call the office landline 860-584-2480 or text the cell phone 860-302-5494.


Do you have anxiety? over think? under stress? trouble sleeping? This class will teach the student how to be in the moment and awaken to that experience. The instructor will bring in 10 Tibetan singing bowls, a gong and a rainstick for a unique tonal experience. This class is informational, experiential and fun.

This is a private 3 hour class.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available
The Well Sanctuary LLC
To schedule date and time call: (860)584-2480


This workshop utilizes old Chinese Qigong techniques called Pi Gu to LOSE WIEGHT plus cleanse energy meridians and channels and improve the function of internal organs. This is an ancient way of cellular cleansing. This is a private 3 hour class.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available
The Well Sanctuary LLC
To schedule date/time , please text 860-302-5494 or call the office landline at860-584-2480.


This a form of scrying-a psychic way of seeing something that is not ordinarily see-able. Psychometry is an ability which a person can sense or ‘read’ the history of an object by touching it. Such a person can receive impressions from an object by holding it in his/her hands or perhaps by touching it to the forehead. Such impressions can be perceived as images, sounds, smells, taste and even emotions. This is helpful in finding lost pets or people and to facilitate mediumship. This is a private one-on-one 3 hour class.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available
The Well Sancturary , LLC 50 Gayle Drive, Bristol
Call to schedule at a time of mutual convenience: (860) 584-2480


This beginners class uses movement and breath to promote good health and vitality. Several different types of Qigong will be presented for variety. This class is appropriate for all people from all walks of life. Class is taught by Shr Jye Karen D. Cote, member of the International Chinese Boxing Association

This is a PRIVATE 3 HOUR CLASS. I will scheudle around your needs and availability.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available
The Well Sanctuary LLC
Call to schedule date/time: (860) 584-2480


This is Shoden Level, The First Step. Reiki is a Japanese form of stress reduction and relaxation utilizing light hands placement techniques that promote wellness. This class is suitable for all people looking to improve the overall quality of their life. A comprehensive manual is provided as well as plenty of practice time. Upon completion of the class, certification will be mailed. Class is taught by Shinpiden Level Reiki Master Teacher Karen D. Cote.

This class may be scheduled at a time of mutual convenience for the teacher and the student. To schedule a date, call or text 860-302-5494 (cell) or call the office landline 860-584-2480. This class runs from 9am through 4:30pm.

Dates and Times:
9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
$200 payable the day of the class via cash or charge
The Well Sanctuary LLC
50 Gayle Drive, Bristol, CT 06010
To be placed on the roster, please, text 860-302-5494 or call the office landline (860)-584-2480.


Pre-requisite is Reiki Level I. Reiki II, Okuden Part I: The Inner Teachings Part I, attunes the student to the Emotional/Mental Symbol, the Distance Symbol and 2 other symbols. The Chakras will be discussed and compared to the Hara centers. Students will deepen their Japanese Reiki knowledge. A comprehensive manual will be provided. Upon completion of the class, certification will be mailed to the student. Class is taught by Shinpiden Level Reiki Master Teacher Karen D. Cote.

This class will be held at a time of mutual convenience for myself and the student. Please schedule by calling or texting 860-302-5494 (cell) or calling the office land line at 860-584-2480. This class runs from 9am through 4:30 pm.

Dates and Times:
9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Cost is $250 payable at the start of class via cash or credit card.
The Well Sanctuary LLC
50 Gayle Dr., Bristol, CT 06010
To add your name to the roster,, please text: 860-302-5494
or call the office landline at 860-584-2480.


Prerequisite is Reiki II and Reiki II. Reiki III (Okeden Part II: The Inner Teachings Part II) begins a far deeper cultivation of the student’s internal growth. The student will be attuned to the Master Symbol. The use of crystals will be introduced. A deeper utilization of the Chakra system will be employed and integrated. A comprehensive manual and individulaized attention will be received via one-on-one instruction. Upon completion of the class, certification will be mailed to the student. Class is taught by Shinpiden Level Reiki Master Teacher Karen D. Cote.

Please contact me to schedule a date for your day long class : 9 am through 4:30pm.

Call or text me at 860-302-5494 (cell) or call the office landline at 960-584-2480.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available
$350 payable via cash or charge
Scheduled by appointment only. Location : The Well Sanctuary, LLC 50 Gayle Drive Bristol
To schedule a date, please text 860-302-5494 or call the office landline at 860-584-2480.


Prerequisite is Reik I, Reiki II and Reiki III. Reiki IV is Reiki Master / Teacher class, also known as Shinpiden. This class is only taught privately one-on-one. In this class, the student is attuned with the remaining symbols, learns how to do attunements, hones their skills, works on personal growth and learns how to teach a Reiki class and begin their own Reiki practice. Class is taught by Shinpiden Level Reiki Master Teacher Karen D. Cote.

Please contact me to schedule a date for your day long class: 9am through 4:30pm.

Call or text me at 860-302-5494 (cell) or call the office landline at 860-584-2480.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available
$550 payable via cash or charge
Scheduled by appointment only . Location: The Well Sanctuary LLC 50 Gayle Drive Bristol, CT
To schedule a date, please text 860-302-5494 or call the office landline at (860) 584-2480


This workshop is for all Reiki practitioners of all levels. Come and connect with other Reiki practitioners, hone your Reiki skills and receive a Reiki session. Water and snacks will be provided.

Date / time to be announced.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available
$10 payable the day of the class to the instructor via cash or charge
The Well SanctuaryLLC
To register call: (860) 584-2480


Do you ever feel that you don’t have enough time? That you are under stress? That you are fatigued? That you have no time for you? Come learn the physical, emotional and restorative benefits of making time for you! Learn how to prioritize things in your life, reframe your mental outlook into a positive perception and how to creatively carve out time for you. Then explore techniques that will help you relax, rest and replenish. This is an informational, fun and experiential class that explores such venues as essential oil’s, coloring, guided imagery, music, qi gong, play and more! This is a private 3 hour class.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available
The Well Sanctuary LLC
To schedule date/time contact The Well Sanctuary LLC at 860-584-2480


This workshop introduces the student to the four core areas of shamanic work. Shamanism removes obstacles to your heart so can live in an empowered manner. The shaman works in an altered state of consciousness: non-ordinary reality. This workshop consists of experiential work, demonstration and lecture. The workshop is taught by an inter-generational shaman.

This is a private 3 hour class. Please text 860-302-5494 or leave a message on the office landline 860-584-2480 to schedule date/time. Cost is $200.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available
The Well SanctuaryLLC
To schedule date/time, please text 860-302-5494 or call office landline at 860-584-2480.


Ever wonder if you are getting messages from your deceased loved one or from your spirit guides? This workshop helps you learn how to spot and interpret messages that comes to you through the world around you. They may come in the form of interactions with wild animals, dreams, the land and in the form of mundane synchronistic experiences. This is a private three hour class.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available
The Well Sanctuary LLC
To schedule time/date contact The Well Sanctuary LLC at 860-584-2480.


Come and make a joyful noise! Learn how sound can be used to support our parasympathetic nervous system. The student will utilize sound to release negativity,and stress and to balance the chakras. This is a fun and experiential class in which students will utilize Tibetan bowls, drums, rattles , rainsticks and use vocalizations. The student will receive a chakra balancing by the instructor using 12 Tibetan bowls.

Dates and Times:
Date(s) and Time(s) Not Currently Available
The Well Sanctuary LLC
To schedule date/time contact The Well Sanctuary LLC at 860-584-2480.